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Goodbyes are never easy. They bring challenges on all sorts of levels. Relationships are changed and we experience loss that can trigger all sorts of other emotions. Whether it is something small, or the loss of someone very dear to us, we are still faced with strong feelings and emotions.

In a word, grief.

Grief can sometimes be an hourly companion.

Continuing to lead, amidst seasons of deep grief, can be challenging. Sometimes it can feel as though we are on autopilot. Sleep eludes us. Exhaustion overwhelms. It’s hard to keep our thoughts (and ducks) lined up.

It’s at those times that leadership can be lonely without trusted people walking alongside.

I am blessed to work with two teams of people who are not just colleagues, but trusted allies in ministry. One is based in Australia and the other on the other side of the world. Despite the distance, we know each other, we share openly and pray for one another regularly. We have built this trust over many staff meetings and online get-togethers. And then, once in a while, we get to be face to face and those often brief moments are amazing!

I encourage you as leaders, to reach out to others.

It is a choice, and it does require a little effort. But it’s worth it as we draw strength and encouragement from one another.

Let’s be intentional about building now what may be needed for the future.

CEO Global Leadership Network Australia & New Zealand
Founder & Executive Director Women Leaders Network, Global Leadership Network

We honour them both and remember Rick today with gratefulness.

Leading Through Grief - A. R. Bernard

Megan Marshman